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Notes from a coach

Importance in all things.

Comfort zone. Shall we get out of it?

What is a comfort zone?

Probably each of you has heard these words, now they are especially “popular”. After all, to change your life or at least to start changing it, you need to get out of this zone.

So what is this zone?

This is a space in which a person feels confident and safe. But the comfort zone is not just an apartment with a cool security system, first of all it is a habitual way of life: daily routine – work from 8 and up to 18, after work only home; the way to work – shuttle bus, subway and not a step aside, or you can be late. For each person this zone is different and only you can define it.

Without stepping out of their comfort zone, many people have a habit of acting mechanically, which over time becomes a limitation. This leads to formulaic thinking, loss of ability to look at the problem, so to speak, from the outside, and even loss of motivation.

So what will give you a way out?

For me, first and foremost, it is the experience of something new. A banal example is leaving a minimum wage position with a perpetually yelling boss to find a new one. Yes, it’s stressful, but making a resume, interviewing, getting to know the new team, getting the desired contract – that’s what a person has done by deciding to go beyond the usual. New experiences, new acquaintances, new interests and perspectives emerge.

In my life, stepping out of this zone is always perceived as a challenge. Both with myself and with external circumstances. I get a great thrill when I achieve my goals. But you have to learn to take failure as an experience.

There are people who don’t want to change anything. Sometimes the fear of change is so strong that it just seems impossible. Then start with a simple thing – change the furniture in the house, change the daily routine, take the subway instead of the car – this is also a way out of the usual. And you will see that everything is not so terrible. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help. Be optimistic and set goals that will motivate you on your way to change and improvement. Get out of your comfort zone or expand it!

September 19, 2019

Поговорим о проблеме

Let’s talk about a problem today.

Very often I hear the word problem from people and that many are not ready to solve it. When I ask my clients what this word means to them, most of them answer – difficulty, obstacle, complication of the situation. And on this negative perception of the word, a lot of thoughts begin to swirl – What? How? Why?

Who has met with such a situation?

And when a person gets into an uncomfortable situation, he begins to either panic, or more quickly find an effective solution to the problem.

So how do you teach yourself not to panic in the face of a problem, obstacle, or complication?

One of my clients found a solution for himself. This solution became his motto in such situations. He simply stopped perceiving the problem directly, as it is. Now he calls it – an opportunity to look at the situation from the other side, as well as gaining experience in overcoming similar problem situations.

And of course, if you learn to perceive problem situations correctly and form new useful experience of overcoming them, it can become the best assistant on the way to your goal.

Which is what I sincerely wish for you.

October 23, 2019

Сильные и слабые
Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses.

What character trait of yours helps you in life, what do you consider strong?

And what on the contrary hinders and weakens you?

I’ll probably start with myself. I can call my strengths such as sociability, purposefulness, ability to support a person, motivating him for the best.

I even did a survey once. Now I will tell you what it was. Once I worked with a coach, I decided to make an experiment and asked my friends and acquaintances what qualities of my character they could identify as strong and weak.

The question was sent to people with whom I was brought together by fate at different stages of my life, starting from school. Some of them I haven’t communicated with for a long time, and some of them I see only online, but it didn’t bother me. I received answers quickly. Almost everyone responded. Thanks to them for that.

The qualities mentioned above help me a lot in my coaching profession. But I have not met perfect people yet, and I don’t know if there are such people. Therefore, I am always in the process of self-discovery and development of myself as a person. Thanks to my family, they fully support me in this.

Of course, I have my own list of “Development Zone”, where I can refer to interrupting people. I’m working on that, and I’m seeing great progress. And then there are the things I try to pull out from behind my back, only at the right moments, like my perfectionism.

Now I turn the floor over to you, What are your strengths and weaknesses?

October 31, 2019


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